Sourcing parts for the DIY record player

May 12, 2008

A few months back I started sketching out plans for a do-it-yourself record player. Since then, not much has gone on due to my friend the electronics expert being out of town so I decided to source some parts. I turned to a Chinese company called China you say? Well, over the past few years China has really become a key player in the DIY world of high fidelity. They are creating high quality components a great prices from the platter you see below to oil filled caps, tubes, and other various parts.

le club hifi turntable platter

This platter was laser cut out of 40mm thick acrylic at a final diameter of 298mm. Its truly is a beautiful piece of work. The markings on the platter are for timing it with a strobe. Below is a photo of the bearing that I ordered along with it. It too is a very nicely machined piece of work with a self-oiling design using rifles to push the oil back up to the bearing. When everything is all connected together it turns very smoothly.

rifled turntable bearing

Categories: Audiophile, Electronics


  1. marty says:

    Wow.. that platter is gorgeous!

    Le Club Hi-Fi!!! ooh la la.

  2. Sean says:

    I’m working on a similar project, and am having trouble sourcing such things. Where did you find them?


  3. John says: has a lot of the parts you need. I am new to this as well.

  4. [...] Next: Sourcing parts for the DIY record player [...]

  5. mark says:

    I am quite pleased with the motor in my audio technica lp60 it is a 2 speed motor with 22 and 45 fine tune screws under it, also, a variable resistor across the 33/45 switch yields variable pitch control. However, you will need a larger spindle on it, if your belt will be going around the entire platter
    For 33 only, you may be able to get 33 in 45 speed and fine tune adjustments. P.s. a free spinning platter can be played by hand it is a fun game, and probably easier with your heavy platter. Nice stuff you got btw. Do you know if there are other platters made for that spindle? Not sure I want a $300 platter.

  6. mark says:

    Any additional pictures of your parts and project would be greatly appreciated.

    • I wish I had some more photos for you but this project is still on my workbench after many years. I am unsure what other platters/spindles are out there. When I get back to this project I’ll be sure to keep you updated.

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