Build your own record player

February 12, 2008

diy turntable diagram
In my quest for a great sounding stereo and my annoying need to build things I have decided to build my own turntable. Luckily my friend Mark, microelectronics expert extraordinaire, will be teaching me the finer points of circuitry. I will be handling the sourcing, fabrication, and/or assembly of the plinth, bearing, and tonearm. This is a very exciting project for me because I have a limited knowledge when it comes to creating my own circuits. This is one of the last nagging things that I have been dying wrap my head around. More to come as the project progresses. As always I will delving further into the details on my wiki.

Next: Sourcing parts for the DIY record player

Categories: Audiophile, Electronics


  1. Jonny Rash says:

    You should hook into the car with super duper shock protection.

  2. doug says:

    If you get too deeply into this, well…here’s an example what _can_ happen:

  3. John says:

    I’ve seen their work before and its crazy! For that price it better sound like a concert hall!

  4. [...] few months back I started sketching out plans for a do-it-yourself record player. Since then, not much has gone on due to my friend the electronics expert being out of town so I [...]

  5. Mark says:

    Hi can you post all what you did to build this turntable. Very interesting !

  6. John says:

    Unfortunately I have not finished it yet. All the other projects you see here have taken precedence. I will definitely make follow posts once that project continues.

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