H1 tags are very important but use them wisely
When browsing the Gallery 2 installation on the A1 Imports Gallery I noticed that the default implementation was to use H2 as the headings! This is horrible, pointless, and not very well thought out. I realize that its not the job of the Gallery 2 engineers but they went far enough to make it an H2 so why not just make it an H1? Anyway the problem has been solved and we’ll see what type of results we get. Be sure to use them on your site, but use them wisely. A good rule of thumb is to only have one per page that is very specific to the content. Over-bloating your page with these tags will definitely send the wrong message to Googlebot.
Categories: SEO
Any chance you can find a WordPress tempalte (or modify the one you’re currently using) so that it doens’t prevent users from adjusting the size of the type on your site. Right now you use a tiny font size and I have no way to make the font bigger using my browser’s controls for this purpose (Control-Plus and Control-Minus in most browsers) but have to resort to actually using a screen magnifier to be able to read your site comfortably. It’s a shame that such great content is marred by such a silly usability defect. Otherwise, keep on writing — keep up the good work!
Thats odd you cant use your browser’s magnifier. Works in both Firefox and Safari for me. Sorry you dont like the size. Do you have a very high resolution?
Funny. It’s working just fine for me now, too. Thanks.